Ministering to the LORD! Pt.117
Ministering to you LORD FATHER GOD JESUS CHRIST, in your name LORD, GRANDFATHER GOD, as my witness, and I am his messenger, Now warning the world this is the beginning of sorrow. LORD FATHER’S children are like you wrote, and they that is head’s of the House of Prayer, is like you wrote. Who Believes?
O LORD FATHER, ministering, you knowing by seeking you, I will at the end of the race, receive a new name, that no one will ever know. Yea! to die, LORD FATHER, is to live for ever more. O GRANDFATHER GOD, you are my witness, In the name of the LORD FATHER GOD JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY, Please! forgive us/we the children, for lack of knowledge, and honoring you, with our mouth and the heart is so far away. I Repent!
Thank You! Children of LORD FATHER GOD, for Listening, Running, Learning with me.
I’m a “Child of GOD!” a Holy Spirit, (like all LORD FATHER GOD’S children) The Runner, that received his testimony, to share with all LORD FATHER’S children, that are one with us.