Month: December 2024

Ministering to the LORD! Pt.103

Watch, days of vengeance, Be a witness with our GRANDFATHER GOD, Watch, I say unto...

Ministering to our LORD! Pt. 102

The Word with GOD, The Word was GOD, Be a witness with our GRANDFATHER GOD,...

Ministering to the LORD! Pt.101

The LORD GOD, our FATHER will show You. Be a witness with our GRANDFATHER GOD,...

Ministering to the LORD! Pt. 100

They forsaken the LORD, It is written: Be a witness, WITH OUR GRANDFATHER GOD, WATCH,...

Ministering to our LORD! Pt.99

Man can receive nothing except it be given him! Be a witness with GRANDFATHER GOD,...

Ministering to the LORD! Pt. 98

Know this, the knowledge of the Holy Word. Be a witness with our GRANDFATHER GOD,...

Ministering to the LORD! Pt.97

LORD FATHER, showing the "Child of GOD!" Be a witness with our GRANDFATHER GOD Watch,...

Ministering to the LORD! Pt.96

Eli was witness to Samuel, ministering to the LORD GOD Be a witness with GRANDFATHER...